February CEO Monthly Message

Dear Friends of First Coast, Abortion leaves destruction in its wake, like the searing shards of shrapnel from an exploding bomb—irreversible, painful, and far-reaching. Representative Tracie Davis set off a ticking bomb last week that needs to be disengaged, when she filed a bill to repeal the 6-week abortion limitation in Florida. It is time for … Continued

January CEO Monthly Message

Dear Friends of First Coast, I would like to start reaching out to you regularly as the new CEO of First Coast Women’s Services to share my heart and vision for this wonderful ministry that has been a pillar of our community for over 30 years. Thank you for your prayer, support and service – the … Continued

Vision 2025

A Look Back at 2024 Letter from the new CEO, Jen Pace Thank you for your generous giving and support of First Coast Women’s Services. This annual report reflects on the victories of 2024, celebrates God’s work, and inspires us to move forward with renewed purpose and vision in 2025! In 2024, we saved 1,506 … Continued

Heartbeats – Fall 2024

Isaiah & Keitra’s Story Keitra came to First Coast Women’s Services worried about her pregnancy. She was fresh out of college, starting her career, and far from her home and family in the Bahamas. Pregnancy was not part of her plans. She and her boyfriend, Isaiah, had been together for several years and had recently … Continued

Ministry Response to the Defeat of Amendment 4

“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19 Thank you for standing strong for LIFE! In 2024, we were faced with a decision between life … Continued

Good News from the St. Augustine Center

What an incredible journey it has been to witness the boundless goodness and provision of God at our St. Augustine center! Since our grand opening on May 6th, we have been on a thrilling and blessed path of growth, serving more clients than ever before at a St. Augustine pregnancy center. In fact, July marked … Continued

Chosen to Live

I was chosen to live. I had no idea until I was 17 years old and my Mom shared this part of her story during a sermon. Now I can praise God because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and the good thing about it is that my soul knows it very well! (see Psalm … Continued

Good News from the Baker Center

Since the Baker Center opened its doors in December of 2007, we have had the privilege of serving over 7,000 clients with over 2,425 babies saved from abortion! This past year we have had a greater number of our clients get connected to local churches and become active members. Most women with unplanned pregnancies said … Continued

Heartbeats – Summer 2024

Mimi’s Story “I was fleeing a domestic violence situation and was pregnant. I wanted an abortion but was unable to get an appointment, so I kept the pregnancy and came to Florida. I had only my belongings and no idea what was next for us. I had spent months trying to get help but was … Continued

Good News from the Northside!

What an exciting time for the Northside Center! Since opening our doors in August 2020, and with each passing year, we have welcomed an increasing number of new clients in need of our services. Currently, the demand for our prenatal/parenting courses in our Earn While You Learn program is skyrocketing as women are choosing life … Continued