Mimi’s Story
“I was fleeing a domestic violence situation and was pregnant. I wanted an abortion but was unable to get an appointment, so I kept the pregnancy and came to Florida. I had only my belongings and no idea what was next for us. I had spent months trying to get help but was consistently turned away. I had lost all hope.
After some time passed, someone mentioned a local program that helped pregnant women. First Coast Women’s Services set me up with an appointment a few days later. My decision to go to this center was one of the best I made during my pregnancy. These women took me in, showed me understanding and much love, and did not judge me. They prayed for me and offered educational classes and other resources to prepare for the birth of my baby.
I have never appreciated a group of women as much as I do these women. First Coast helped me get back on my feet and helped me rebuild my relationship with God. They have been a great support system for my family. I am so thankful for where I am now because of these women. Thank you, First Coast Women’s Services!” – Mimi
Through the support of First Coast Women’s Services and the local church, Mimi now has her own apartment for the first time in five years. She also obtained medical care for her pregnancy and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Her son’s name is Asa, which means “healer”. Mimi is now employed and headed in a healthy direction. To watch Mimi’s full story, scan the QR code below.

We have been seeing more and more clients experiencing housing insecurity as a presenting factor in them considering abortion. Please continue to pray for clients like Mimi who struggle with housing. Please also pray for FCWS as we are prayerfully considering how to meet these needs and to continue to be the hands and feet of Christ.
We recently began our new Doors of Hope Fund to assist women and families with above-and-beyond needs like Mimi’s. If you would like to support this fund, click below!
What you should know before voting on Amendment 4
A Letter from Judy Weber, CEO
Have you ever gone to vote and been so confused by the amendments that you just skipped them and did not vote either way on them? I have. But if you love LIFE and want to protect the unborn, it is vitally important that we do not do that with Amendment 4 this November! Amendment 4 is an amendment to the FL State Constitution entitled, “Amendment to Limit Government Interference in Abortion.” This amendment was intentionally written to deceive the voters in many ways, so we’ve broken it down for you below.
If Amendment 4 passes in November, it will make Florida the “abortion destination” for the entire Southeastern US. The abortion lobbyists are pouring millions of dollars into FL to deceive voters into thinking this is a good thing. Even many Christians will be deceived or simply not vote. Our current FL law is “The Heartbeat Protection Act”, and it will continue if we defeat Amendment 4 in November. The abortion advocates will try to convince voters that this is too radical and will punish pregnant women, but let me clarify what it actually says.

Voting NO on Amendment 4 means the FL Heartbeat Protection Act will remain the FL law. Please pray & help educate our community.
This battle is real and we are the Army of God to fight it! The current FL Heartbeat Protection Act is saving many babies in our centers each day. No woman wakes up in the morning and is happy to be having an abortion. She does it quickly because she is afraid and thinks she has no choice. Our number of abortion-minded women who have changed their minds and chosen LIFE has increased by 40% since the Heartbeat Bill was enacted May 1st, because it is more difficult to rush into it.
You have been faithful in prayer, giving, and support of FCWS in the past and we are very
grateful and thankful for each of you. Please join us in this battle for LIFE!