Since the Baker Center opened its doors in December of 2007, we have had the privilege of serving over 7,000 clients with over 2,425 babies saved from abortion! This past year we have had a greater number of our clients get connected to local churches and become active members.
Most women with unplanned pregnancies said they would not have gotten abortions if they’d had emotional or financial support. Of course, we have seen how housing and inflation have changed all of us, but this financial burden has affected our clients greatly. This past year we had a church help start a benevolence fund for our clients to address above and beyond needs. This act of love and compassion through financial support has helped our clients greatly.
We had a pregnant client living in a tent with her daughter. Through this benevolence fund we were able to help provide temporary housing until she was able to secure housing funds. We helped several abortion-minded clients with gas to come to their appointments as well as clients that needed help with clothes and miscellaneous housing items.
We are proud to announce that thanks to the success of the benevolence fund in Baker County, First Coast Women’s Services has decided to start a new Doors of Hope Fund to assist clients with exceptional need across all six centers.

Our annual fundraiser “Life Fusion” will be held on Thursday, November 21, and we are in the process of planning this event. We are excited to share our client Debbie’s story (pictured front) as well as the testimony and message from Pastor Heath Lambert. Each year I know I say, “I am so excited about this year’s Life Fusion,” but this year I REALLY am. It is a night to glorify the Creator of Life and to hear how First Coast Women’s Services is changing our community through the life-giving services that we offer.
You do not want to miss this! Please contact the center at 904-259-2585 or email me for more information at
As we say in Baker, “It’s Better in Baker,” and it is because of each of you!
Volunteer Spotlight
Sharon Kurth, Boutique
Sharon has been a volunteer for over a year and a half and is now over our boutique. She came in and completely redecorated the boutique for our sweet clients. She did an amazing job making our clients feel as though they are shopping in an upscale boutique! She attends Eleven 22 with her husband. They have three grown daughters and four grandchildren. Besides being a wonderful decorator, she is a great organizer, enjoys babysitting her grandchildren, reading and gardening. We have been blessed at Baker with Sharon.

Devotional: Living Out Love
Pastor David Thomas, Christian Fellowship Temple
People do not just need to hear that God loves them, they need to know and feel that God loves them….Our Heavenly Father is so good and kind, and He shows His goodness and kindness through FCWS.