Client Testimonies

Testimonies from Abortion-Minded Women:

Women Helping WOmen

Five women share their stories of life, hope, and the power of women helping women.

Abbey’s Story

Abbey was certain she was going to have an abortion when she first came to First Coast Women’s Services. She didn’t think there was any way she could love her baby, conceived in rape. After hearing her daughter’s heartbeat, though, and finding support at FCWS, she decided to choose LIFE!

Miranda’s Story

Miranda’s story shows the incredible power of community. Miranda felt alone when she first came to FCWS, but after connecting with LaRonda and Cindy, she found hope. In addition to support from the Center, they helped Miranda find a church home to connect to where she has found ongoing community and even recently dedicated her precious son!

Alyx’s Story

A military veteran and sexual assault survivor, Alyx had more to overcome than just an unplanned pregnancy when she came to First Coast Women’s Services. With the help of her FCWS mentor, though, Alyx was empowered to choose LIFE for her daughter Astrid, and she has found new levels of healing in her own life in the process.

Catherine & Anthony’s Story

When Catherine first visited our FCWS Clay County Center, she was considering abortion and was in search of more information about her pregnancy options. Coming from an abusive past and unsure about her future, Catherine didn’t feel prepared to take on the responsibility of motherhood. Through the guidance and encouragement of her mentor, though, she felt EMPOWERED to choose LIFE for her daughter. Catherine is now engaged to her baby’s father and is actively involved in her local church, all while raising her beautiful baby girl, Evangelina.

Jenniffer & Brandon’s story

When Jenniffer and Brandon came to First Coast Women’s Services, they were uncertain about what to do with their unplanned pregnancy and were considering abortion. Ultimately, they made the decision for LIFE for their baby and are so glad they did!

antoinette’s story

When Antoinette came to First Coast Women’s Services, she was uncertain about what to do regarding her pregnancy. Upon google-searching for abortion clinics, though, she stumbled across First Coast Women’s Services and scheduled an appointment. After finding the support she was so desperate for in our Center, she decided to choose LIFE for her baby girl, whom she aptly named Treasure.

Want to hear more powerful client testimonies? Check out our YouTube channel!

Adoption testimonies:

Katie’s Story

When Katie found out she was pregnant, she was certain she would abort. With the help of FCWS and her family, though, she made the decision to place her son for adoption. Over time, God worked in Katie’s life, bringing her back around to FCWS first as a volunteer and now as one of our sonographers!

Alecia’s Story

When Alecia found out she was expecting, her boyfriend offered her $10,000 to have an abortion, but Alecia knew LIFE was the only choice for her child. Wanting her son to grow up in a stable and godly home, Alecia chose to place her son for adoption.

men’s Ministry Testimonies:

Robert’s Story

Robert came to know Christ after the tragic death of his child, Owen, who was stillborn at 9 months gestation. Through the love and support of FCWS volunteers and staff, Robert learned to navigate the valleys of life and come out stronger from them. He shares his story of loss, salvation, and new hope found in the birth of his daughter, Arabella Rose.

Tyron’s Story

Tyron grew up without a father and always struggled with the question, “why didn’t he want me?” After finding out he was going to be a father and coming to FCWS, Tyron began working three jobs while attending the Earn While You Learn classes, as he never had a father figure but wanted to learn from the example set by our Male Mentors. In this video, Tyron talks about the impact of the Men’s Ministry and mentoring on him and what made him want to come back multiple times to learn more about fatherhood.

Abortion Healing Testimonies:

Analee’s Story

When Analee went to see a Christian counselor, she was overcome with emotion and she shared with her counselor what she never planned to share with anyone – she’d had an abortion 3 years prior. Through her healing journey, Analee found the truth that “there is now no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). Now married and the mother of 3 beautiful children, Analee shares her Abortion Healing story in hopes of helping other women find healing, too.

You Have a Choice – 2 Women’s Stories

These two women both faced outside pressures to abort their babies. However, one went to an abortion clinic, and the other came to us at First Coast Women’s Services. Feeling as though there were no other options, the first woman chose abortion. After years of destructive behavior to numb the pain, she sought out help from FCWS. We Abortion Healing Assistance for women and men who have chosen abortion in the past and are seeking freedom from the pain of that decision.

Stories of loss & REdemption:

Cardboard testimonies

Everyone has their own story. Here are just a few powerful testimonies from some of our incredible Friends of First Coast.

Shelby & Robert’s Story

Shelby and Robert came to FCWS in need of support and education during their pregnancy. When tragedy struck and their son was stillborn, however, they found themselves in search of answers. Through conversations with his male mentor and others, Robert came to know Christ. The couple also found renewed hope when they learned they were expecting again – a healthy baby girl, Arabella Rose.

Cathy & Tiffany’s Story

Cathy met Tiffany on her first visit to First Coast Women’s Services. As Cathy’s client advocate, Tiffany walked by Cathy’s side through her entire pregnancy. Following the birth of her son, Cathy continued to come to Earn While You Learn classes, bringing her son along with her as she continued to learn about motherhood. In May of 2021, Cathy’s life was tragically taken from her, but her mother Gwen found all her notes from Earn While You Learn and came back to the center to share with Tiffany how much FCWS had meant to her daughter.