Planned Giving
“My wife, Mona, and I support First Coast Women’s Services. Serving as a member of the FCWS Board of Directors has only strengthened my confidence in the mission, leadership and strong financial future of this 501(C)3 ministry. While Mona and I have made plans to wisely steward the financial resources the Lord has given us, we were not aware of the need to consider Legacy Giving to those causes in which we believe. We encourage you, in your financial planning, to seriously consider a Legacy Gift to First Coast Women’s Services. Working with our Financial Planner, we learned that it is a simple procedure. To discuss this further, contact CEO Jen Pace at 904-549-6106 or”
– John Huggins, PGA Tour President

A Testimony from John & Diane Peed
“For over 18 years, the Lord has blessed our lives with opportunities to help support FCWS, through working with staff, the board, and other volunteers. We strive to give of our time and money as the Lord provides. Our financial gifts since age 70+ have included giving through our required minimum distribution (RMD). This tax savings approach has provided us with a more flexible, strategic, and efficient way to approach our charitable giving. By saving money on taxes, we have more money available to give to the ministry.
The Lord has always shined His light on this ministry! It belongs to Him! We always want to find ways, whether financial or other gifts that God has blessed us with, to support and promote His special work at First Coast Women’s Services.”
– John & Diane Peed
First Coast Women’s Services (FCWS) appreciates the future gifts you make to ensure the success of our programs. Your financial adviser is able to direct you to an appropriate giving choice for your interests and benefit. These giving options give you the opportunity to do great work through our programs and enjoy reduced taxes.
Whether you designate a specific amount or leave a percentage of your estate, your legacy gift will empower First Coast Women’s Services to continue our work of bringing LIFE to our community.
You can specify this gift in your will by using this language:
“I [name], of [city, state ZIP], bequeath the sum of $[ ] or [ ] percent of my estate to First Coast Women’s Services, a nonprofit organization with a business address of 3475 Kernan Blvd S, Jacksonville, FL 32224 and tax identification 85-8012567054C-9 for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
The donor may select the rate of return from these charitable vehicles and also choose a fixed or fluctuating annual payment. Capital gains are minimized, and the donor will receive a tax deduction based on rate of return and other factors surrounding the gift.
These trusts allow the donor to transfer valuable assets to heirs with relatively little transfer tax and to make a substantial contribution to First Coast Women’s Services of Jacksonville. The donor places property or cash in the trust, providing FCWS with income at a fixed amount for a defined period of time which is usually not less than 10 years or more than 20 years. The term of the trust may also be established for the donor’s lifetime or the lifetime of other living individuals. At the end of the term, the balance is returned to the donor’s heirs.
A gift annuity is a contract offering the donor a way to make a gift to FCWS. The income the donor receives is a fixed dollar amount and is guaranteed. A deferred payment gift annuity is also an option if the donor wishes to delay their income until retirement. Tax deductions for this type of gift vary.
A bequest is one of the simplest ways for a donor to make a gift from their estate. Bequests may be made for a specific amount or for a percentage of the estate. They may include tangible personal property, real estate, securities, or the remainder of the estate after the donor has provided for their survivors.
A donor may make a significant gift by naming FCWS as the recipient of all or a portion of the proceeds of an existing life insurance policy. When a donor transfers the ownership of a paid policy to First Coast Women’s Services, they will receive a tax deduction for the cash surrender value which will reduce their tax liability.
The Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) is the smallest amount account holders must withdraw from employer-sponsored retirement plans each year once they reach retirement. If you fail to meet your RMD, the amount not withdrawn will be taxed at 50%. You can directly donate your RMD to a charity (such as FCWS) and not only avoid being taxed at a higher rate on your retirement savings, but also report it on your tax statements as a Qualified Charitable Distribution.
To recommend a grant through a donor-advised fund, contact your fund’s sponsoring organization and request a grant distribution to the First Coast Women’s Services using the following information:
First Coast Women’s Services EIN: 59-3200240
First Coast Women’s Services mailing address: 3475 Kernan Blvd S., Jacksonville, Florida 32224
Contact Jen Pace, CEO, at OR (904) 549-6106 to schedule an appointment to learn more about our giving options and the impact they have on the women we serve.