It is hard to believe we are celebrating 30 years at FCWS! It all began with our Mandarin Center, and, as a result, thousands of babies have been born. We have seen clients’ lives transformed when they choose life. During the last 5 years, we have had a 46% increase in our client visits. As we have continued to grow and see more clients, we realized a need to make a few changes, beginning with our Center space and layout.
This year we underwent a renovation project which included adding a second sonogram room where we will be able to do 2 ultrasounds at the same time if needed. This addition was made possible due to PreBorn – a pro-life organization that supports life-affirming Pregnancy Clinics – donating an ultrasound machine. We know that when a woman sees her baby on ultrasound, it significantly increases her chances of choosing life. That chance increases all the more when the father of the baby is also present for the ultrasound. We recently had a client who chose life because she said the “baby waved at me” on the ultrasound!
Another part of the Center renovation was a new baby boutique. The boutique was moved to a larger space and designed by a professional closet designer. It has been filled with baby clothes, maternity clothes, diapers, and much more to be able to provide for the clients who choose life. Many clients considering abortion often give finances as a reason. We are glad to come alongside them and provide for their material needs. When clients are visiting the new baby boutique, their eyes light up and they are overwhelmed with gratitude to be able to “shop” and provide for their baby.

It is an honor and privilege to walk with our clients and help them during some of the most difficult times they will face. We pray for guidance and the Lord leads. We want everyone who comes through our doors to know there is something different about this place and want them to know who Jesus Christ is for themselves.
Since the Heartbeat Protection Act became effective May 1st, we have already seen an increase in clients choosing life. We pray for the law to continue to stand and all hearts to be changed as they see their precious child that is growing in the womb, planned and formed by the Lord.
“And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 11:19
Volunteer Spotlight
Ruth Bailey, Client Advocate
Ruth began volunteering with First Coast Women’s Services in 1996 and has faithfully served as a client advocate for 28 years, making her our longest serving volunteer! Ruth has a big heart and enjoys getting to know each client as she encourages and shares God’s Word with them. We’ve had several clients remember Ruth years later and request to see her and bring their babies to meet her! Ruth says she thinks many clients enjoy meeting with her because she is like a grandmother to them. Everywhere Ruth goes, she brings the fragrance of Christ. We know one day she will hear “Well done my faithful servant” and learn how she brought many into the kingdom.

Devo: The Intrinsic Value of Life
By Pastor Jeremiah Stanley, Trinity Baptist Church Mandarin Campus
What gives human life that level of value? As followers of Christ, we can provide an adequate answer to this question. Human life is sacred because it originates from God. We know the familiar passage from Genesis 1:27 which says that mankind was made in the image of God. Human beings are the sole owners of that title and distinction within all of the created universe, “made in God’s image”. From this fact originates the truth that harm against a human being is harm against God himself.