Heartbeats – Fall 2023

Call Center – Stories of Impact

“I was talking to a woman who was standing alone on a dirt road; she was about to make a life-or-death decision,” shares Cheryl Gonzales, Call Center Director (pictured: center). A Georgia local called the Center in a time of desperation. The conversation gripped her so much, that she ended up stepping out of the house to focus on the conversation, where she chose life and the Gospel was ministered. Cheryl shares another story of a client who was abortion-determined and called as she was driving to another state to seek an abortion. She ended up turning around, driving home, and keeping her child.

Telehealth Nurse Amy (pictured: right) explains, “Nurses are the most trusted profession.” When she speaks with clients, she also brings her many years of experience as an OB nurse. Amy shares a story of one woman seeking an abortion who’d had a c-section less than two years prior and feared potential uterine rupture. With Amy’s OB experience, she was able to share accurate data related to the risks and calmed the client’s nerves so that she ultimately chose life.

The increased human connection between our Call Center and the women served is making all the difference. For clients who speak to a Call Center staff member, our show rate for follow up in-person appointments averages 70%, twice the national average for pregnancy resource centers!

Our nurses share medically accurate, life-affirming information that allows our clients to make informed decisions about their pregnancies, as opposed to the misleading and manipulative information they find from “Dr. Google.” In the words of Tina Dyal (pictured: left), “We just show up and it’s God’s job to do the rest.” All glory goes to God in these rescue efforts.

Duty is ours. Results are Gods.”

– John Quincy Adams

Listen to the Call Center staff share about the impact their work is having daily!

Want to learn more about the Call Center? Click below!

Letter from Judy

God Shows Up and Shows Off!

We have the privilege of seeing God do miracles in this ministry every day, but this is a truly amazing one. Several weeks ago, a young woman walked into Planned Parenthood to get information about abortion. They are so busy; she had not even been able to reach them by phone. She was upset and just wanted to gather the facts about abortion and how much it would cost. When she found out the cost, she knew she did not have that much money and started to leave. As she was leaving the Planned Parenthood office, she saw a brochure on the floor and picked it up. It was from Rachel’s Vineyard, a local abortion healing ministry with whom we partner. She called the phone number on the pamphlet and reached Mary Lopez Houston, the Director, who answers their phone 24/7. Mary kept the woman on the line until she could connect her directly with one of our FCWS Centers. The woman drove to the center and took a pregnancy test, which she read as positive. Next, she went to meet with the sonographer, who noticed that she was upset. They began to talk about peace and the sonographer offered to tell her how she had found peace. The woman asked her to share and said that this peace was what she wanted. The sonographer told her personal testimony about how she had found peace through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The sonographer then led her through the steps to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. When the sonogram was performed, seven-week-old twins were revealed. The woman left, now undecided about abortion. When the sonographer called her the next day to ask about her decision, she said, “I’m keeping my sons of God!!!!!” I love this story which illustrates that God had a plan for this woman’s soul and for the lives of her children which He would bring about in an amazing way that only He could have done.

Thank you for your partnership with us in this ministry where we have the joy of serving clients like this one. In 2022, 1,049 women who were planning or seriously considering abortion came to FCWS and chose LIFE! Women have been coming to us even more abortion-determined this year and yet, we will have more women choosing LIFE in 2023 than ever. Thank you for your help!

Joyfully Serving,

Judy Weber, CEO

Abortion healing ministry update!

FCWS is pleased to introduce a new ministry beginning January 1, 2024, JAX Set Free, led by Analee Kluge, longtime volunteer. The Lord has given Analee a vision to expand the ministry of abortion healing to more people by reaching out to local churches and other groups to encourage those hurt by abortion to receive healing through the Forgiven & Set Free class.

FCWS will continue to administer Abortion Healing Assistance, but in a different capacity that will be modeled similar to the adoption support we provide. We consider what we will do as ‘triage’. We will offer immediate mentoring and support, utilizing those trained in abortion healing. FCWS will shepherd these clients until we can connect them with a program such as JAX Set Free. We will continue to follow up with these men and women, providing additional support as they move through the healing process.

Please join us in praying for the success of JAX Set Free!

For additional information please call 904-549-6113 or email aha@fcwsprc.org.

Required Minimum Distribution Giving

The Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) is the smallest amount account holders must withdraw from retirement plan accounts each year once they reach retirement. If you fail to meet your RMD, the amount not withdrawn will be taxed at 50%. You can directly donate your RMD to a charity (such as FCWS) and not only avoid being taxed at a higher rate on your retirement savings, but also report it on your tax statements as a Qualified Charitable Distribution.

“For over 18 years, the Lord has blessed our lives with opportunities to help support FCWS, through working with staff, the board, and other volunteers. We strive to give of our time and money as the Lord provides. Our financial gifts since age 70+ have included giving through our required minimum distribution (RMD). This tax savings approach has provided us with a more flexible, strategic, and efficient way to approach our charitable giving. By saving money on taxes, we have more money available to give to the ministry.”

John and Diane Peed


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