A Look Back at 2024

Letter from the new CEO, Jen Pace
Thank you for your generous giving and support of First Coast Women’s Services. This annual report reflects on the victories of 2024, celebrates God’s work, and inspires us to move forward with renewed purpose and vision in 2025! In 2024, we saved 1,506 babies from abortion through our six centers and Call Center—an increase of 26% compared to the previous year! These numbers represent real, individual lives impacted and transformed – lives like Isaiah and Keitra, who came to us pregnant and without family support. Through your generosity, FCWS was able to support them in choosing life. They are now married with two children and faithfully serving at their church after finding a closer relationship with Christ through mentorship from our center volunteers. And couples like Anthony and Catherine, who also came to us abortion-minded and chose life. This past year they were both baptized and are now married with two kids as well. Both couples are pictured within this newsletter; I encourage you to use the QR code to watch their stories of life transformation. The 1,506 babies saved not only represent the life of the child, but also opportunities for life transformation for the parents: we have seen a 62% increase in the number of times the Gospel was shared and a 16% increase in faith decisions for Christ.
In 2024, we celebrated the defeat of Amendment 4 and continue to recognize the urgency of reaching abortion-minded women quickly before they obtain abortion pills or travel out of state. This past year, we expanded marketing efforts to reach more abortion-minded women, resulting in a 35% increase in abortion-minded women visiting our centers. Additionally, the number of abortion-minded/abortion-determined clients who chose life increased by 54%! These results reflect God’s faithful provision through our dedicated staff, volunteers, and prayer text warriors. If you are not a part of our prayer text team, I encourage you to join us in praying for our most at-risk clients by signing up at prayforbabies.com/fcws.
Stepping into the role of CEO this year is one of the greatest honors of my life. I desire, with God’s help, to continue to build upon the great work that has been done over the past 30 years. In 2024, the number of babies saved whose cases were initiated in the Call Center grew by 92%! One thing that is abundantly clear is that the Call Center needs to continue to expand. We know women live on their phones and also desire anonymity in these situations. Our ability to offer Telehealth Visits from life-affirming nurses prior to an ultrasound contributes to the increase of babies saved. If a woman talks to a nurse, her show-rate for an ultrasound is 73%, compared to the National average of a 35% show rate for first-time visits at pregnancy centers. In 2025, we plan to expand the Call Center to allow five schedulers and three nurses to be working at a time. The cost for expansion will be nearly $250,000. Will you consider making a gift today to impact the next generation by investing in our Call Center, which directly serves our most vulnerable clients?
This great work is only possible because of the generosity of donors like you who sacrificially give to save lives and transform generations.
Grace and Peace,

2024 marked 30 years of First Coast Women’s Services as well as 18 years with Judy Weber as our CEO. Per Judy’s desire, she decided to retire at the end of 2024 after nearly two decades of service to the community through FCWS. We are thankful for her obedience to be used by God as this ministry has flourished under her leadership. In 2007, when Judy arrived, there were two centers, Mandarin and the Beach, and we were working on a third in Baker County. Since then, we have grown from two to six centers (Mandarin, Kernan, Northside, Baker, Clay and St. Augustine) and a Call Center. FCWS has moved from saving hundreds of babies per year from abortion, to recently 1,506 babies in 2024. These centers are the result of a vision and a desire to build for Kingdom principles rather than self.
We are pleased to announce that Jennifer Pace, former Development Director, has assumed the role of CEO of FCWS as of January 2025. We are also delighted to share that Judy Weber is now a voting Board Member of FCWS, as desired and requested by both Jennifer and the Board.
We celebrate Judy in her retirement and welcome Jennifer to her new position!

Save The Dates
- Denim & Diamonds Clay Center Banquet March 28th, 2025
- Women Helping Women Kernan & St. Augustine Centers Luncheon & Fashion Show May 1st, 2025
- Baby Bottle Campaign Mother’s Day – Father’s Day May 11th – June 15th, 2025
- Annual Life Banquet October 30, 2025
- Life Fusion Baker Center Banquet November 20, 2025