Living Out Love

Since the opening of the Baker County Center of FCWS in 2007, our hearts have been with them. When I say our hearts, I mean myself and the church family that God allows me to co-pastor. I am amazed at the staff and volunteers of FCWS and their dedication to the saving of babies’ lives.

In Psalm 139, King David makes this statement when referring to our God:

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.”

David teaches us that it is God who creates us in our mother’s womb. The staff and volunteers of FCWS live out with passion the fact that life begins in the womb. When a mother is questioning whether or not to continue her pregnancy and she walks into a First Coast Women’s Services Center, she is greeted with respect and kindness and is shown love. Even when a mother has walked into the Center seeking abortion, when she is shown the love I am referring to, many times she changes her mind and has her baby. People do not just need to hear that God loves them; they need to know and feel that God loves them. Through the staff and volunteers of FCWS, these mothers experience His love.

Since FCWS opened 30 years ago, 13,000 babies have been saved. In the Baker County community where I pastor, 2,255 lives have been saved since 2007. Our Heavenly Father is so good and kind, and He shows His goodness and kindness through FCWS. What an honor it is for our church family to have a small part in the funding of this great ministry.

Pastor David Thomas, Christian Fellowship Temple

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