January CEO Monthly Message

Dear Friends of First Coast,

I would like to start reaching out to you regularly as the new CEO of First Coast Women’s Services to share my heart and vision for this wonderful ministry that has been a pillar of our community for over 30 years. Thank you for your prayer, support and service – the 1,506 babies that were saved from abortion in 2024 through FCWS truly would not have happened without you!! Thank you.

We just finished hosting Sanctity of Human Life prayer breakfasts this month, celebrating the dignity of life with churches throughout Northeast Florida. It was beautiful to see the body of Christ come together in support and prayer. I truly believe we are in a profound time in Florida’s history when it comes to valuing the dignity of life. We are for the first time in many years living in a state where abortion is limited after 6 weeks, and Amendment 4 was blocked.

I was so moved to hear Vice President JD Vance share at the March for Life in DC. He said we have a “culture of radical individualism” and this is so true. The fertility rate in the US is at a record-low, 1.64 births per woman; we are living in a nation where family and marriage are being redefined and the Biblical worldview of our society is undermined.

I believe it is our place to help guide individuals who walk in our doors to see the dignity of life and how to have flourishing families. God’s design is good. It is hard. But it is good.

The other day in my devotional time I read Isaiah 40:11 in a way that I have never noticed it before. It reads, “He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”




                 Those that have young.

Through God’s help we lead those who have young as well. Baby Atlee, pictured above, was born last year. His mom, Keysha, was originally abortion-minded and had a previous abortion. Through the support of FCWS, she chose life and went through Earn While You Learn classes where we were able to lead her and help her to see a better way.CLICK HERE to watch baby Atlee’s complete story.

This is who our God is and this is who we are. We are a body of believers who value and believe in the dignity of the unborn. And we don’t just leave the mothers alone once they choose life. God has positioned FCWS to lead those who have young, to provide parenting and relationship skills classes, mentoring, and discipleship. Last year, those participating in Earn While You Learn increased by 78%. In a culture where people live and breathe on their phones, we have an opportunity to build community and mentoring support for men and women and help them to feel seen and known.

Thank you for your support and please consider making a contribution today to help save lives like baby Atlee


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