Voices for Life

All across Northeast Florida, men and women are fighting for LIFE in word and deed. Each supporter of First Coast Women’s Services and advocate for the unborn has a story of why they are pro-life and why this issue is so important to them. Take a moment to hear stories of supporters from pastors, donors, volunteers, and past clients who share why they are pro-life and why this issue is key in their lives.

Living Out Love

Since the opening of the Baker County Center of FCWS in 2007, our hearts have been with them. When I say our hearts, I mean myself and the church family that God allows me to co-pastor. I am amazed at the staff and volunteers of FCWS and their dedication to the saving of babies’ lives. … Continued

Pressing On For Life

Are you tired? Does it feel like all your efforts are lost in an all-consuming ocean, thrashing around, and with each crash, they drift further away, leaking out a little bit of hope each time? Can you relate to the feeling of pressing on towards a goal but not seeming to make any difference? Does … Continued

The Intrinsic Value of Life

My wife, Jenny, grew up in Fernandina Beach, Florida and one of our traditions over the past 22 years of our marriage is to spend Christmas day with her family on Amelia Island. Typically, the day is quiet, peaceful, and relaxing. That all changed last Christmas when there was a frantic knock on the door … Continued

A Future and a Hope

There is such a gap between what we think we know and what will actually one day be. Jeremiah 29:11 speaks of this. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  As a little girl I … Continued

Holistically Pro-Life

Imagine the following scenario. A young woman finds out she is pregnant. She didn’t plan for it. The father of the child in her womb is nowhere to be found. She lives below the poverty line. She has no idea how she will be able to financially provide for this child. She is scared, has … Continued

The One Thing We Can All Do

Devotional by Pastor Matt Owen. Advocating for life is exciting! There are so many things to do and so many opportunities to do them. Sometimes, though, the sheer number of opportunities can be overwhelming.

Cardboard Testimonies for LIFE!

When it comes to the pro-life movement, no two stories are alike. We all have our own unique journeys. For some, a past unplanned pregnancy spurs them to action. Others who are post-abortive themselves hope to save others from experiencing the same pain they themselves have walked through. Still others have walked alongside loved ones … Continued

From Pro-Life to Warrior for Life

Lilli first heard about First Coast Women’s Services from a friend. At one of our Annual Life Banquets, God tugged on her heart to get involved with the ministry, and the rest is history! She has been an active volunteer for 14 years and counting and has also gotten her church involved in the process! … Continued

Advocating For Life: It’s Our Time

“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 Many of us probably think that advocacy for life started in 1973 in the wake of the Roe v Wade decision. But history tells a very different story! … Continued