A Message from Diane Stewart, Clay Center Director
From the grand opening of the Clay Center in 2009 to now, we’ve had the pleasure of serving 6,703 clients with a grand total of 2,401 life decisions and 271 salvations!
We serve a faithful God and have seen Him so evidently at work in the lives of our clients. As we have increased our connections with local churches, we have had the joy of seeing true and lasting life change in our clients! We have prayed that God would show us better ways to bridge FCWS to the local church and increase the number of clients who accept Christ. This past year, we have seen this prayer answered time and time again! A few churches have chosen to not only throw a baby shower for FCWS, but to do so for a specific client. In the lives of three Clay clients – Heidi, Asia, and Catherine (pictured on back) – the simple act of kindness and grace of a baby shower helped to strengthen their faith in Christ and get them more connected to the local church.
Catherine, whom you may remember from last year’s Denim and Diamonds testimony video, along with her now-husband Anthony and her mom, were baptized in February and are faithfully attending a local church. Our client Heidi was baptized in December after rededicating her life to Christ. Asia also began attending a local church and in February had her daughter dedicated in the church!
This is what we pray or – that they would not only choose life for their baby, but that they would also find a life more abundant in Jesus Christ in the process. We rejoice that we have gotten to play a part and witness the transformative power of Jesus Christ in these families’ lives. We are grateful to each and every one of you who has supported us along the way through prayers, giving, and volunteering.

Volunteer Spotlight
Alice Hall, Client Advocate
Meet Alice! Alice came to us with 38 years of teaching and counseling experience and has been a light to our clients and her fellow volunteers since joining us! Her dedication and passion are inspiring. Alice loves to learn, so she is constantly finding ways to sharpen her skills to best serve our clients. She has a servant’s heart like Jesus and does whatever it takes to make sure the Clay Center is running efficiently. Alice’s sweet spirit, joy, and love for Christ make our clients feel welcomed and safe to open up in her presence. Thank you, Alice, for your compassionate heart of service for our clients at the Clay Center.

Devo: One Thing We Can All Do
By Pastor Matt Owen, Community Bible Church
Advocating for life is exciting! There are so many things to do and so many opportunities to do them. Sometimes, though, the sheer number of opportunities can be overwhelming. But there is one thing that each of us, without exception, can do. Pray. In fact, that is the one thing above all others that we MUST do!